The potential for conversational AI is huge, and it is changing the way people interact with technology at work. With this type of AI, businesses can significantly improve employee and customer experiences.

Conversational AI is a form of artificial intelligence that allows humans to communicate with computers in a natural way, using everyday language. This type of AI takes advantage of natural language processing (NLP) to understand human conversational patterns, as well as machine learning, which teaches computers to learn from data without being explicitly programmed.

This combination of technologies allows businesses to solve many different problems for employees, including customer service interactions, employee service, and business operations like marketing, sales, IT, human resources, and more. 


Conversational AI can be applied to many different use cases:


  • Improve customer experiences by providing conversational interfaces to find information, order products, or enhance customer service.
  • Provide virtual assistants to help simplify how employees find information as part of their jobs.
  • Automate complete business processes that span multiple teams and systems to help speed throughput for sales, finance, or customer interactions.
  • Help employees with onboarding and human resource needs by providing simple interfaces to find information and update human resource systems.

What You Will Find in the Guide:


    • About the conversational AI market

    • Common conversational AI use cases

    • Details on the buyer's guide selection criteria and platform capabilities

    • Instructions on how to use the guide

    • Comparisons on 16 different conversational AI platforms


Conversational AI platform features



Conversational AI Buyers Guide Sample